You constantly feel tired, even if you are fully resting and sleep a lot? Perhaps it’s time to reconsider everyday habits.

Imagine that your entire supply of energy is contained in a bowl, at the bottom of which an impressive crack or hole has formed, says psychiatrist Tyson Lippa. How to make it all the time there is the same water level? Constantly add it or shut a gap?

This is what the psychiatrist calls on: “When we are looking for how to increase our level of energy, we, in fact, continue to pour water into the leaked cup. This is also a completely working method, but it is also not worth neglecting the repair of the tank.

What makes energy flow?

1. View emotionally charged television shows

Imagining themselves in the place of the participants in the show and trying to understand what they feel, the most empathic and sensitive can reach emotional exhaustion.

“Such shows and TV shows make it possible to survive even those feelings and emotions that we have never experienced before,” explains the psychiatrist Lila Magavi. -Because of this, some are overexcited, and the psyche has to spend a resource to calm down. Interestingly, not only negative, but also joyful experiences can deplete us. “.

How to fix it? Carefully choose the content that you consume. Mark how the watches and films affect your condition and, if possible, avoid certain genres. It is also useful to spend at least some of the free time without a TV and gadgets.

2. Too big breaks between meals

The body receives energy from the food that we consume, and the “supplies” of this energy should be regular. “The brain acutely needs glucose contained by carbohydrates, and it cannot be deprived of it. Our body “stores” a certain amount of carbohydrates in the liver, but these reserves are not unlimited-on average there are enough for three to six hours, ”comments the nutritionist Caroline Leisi.

At the same time, in the intervals between the basic meals, you should not lean on quick carbohydrates – this increases the level of insulin, and upon reaching the peak, the blood sugar falls and we feel exhausted.

How to fix it? Try not to make intervals between meals during the day longer than five hours. “However, everything is quite individually and depends on many factors,” adds to Leice. -Some people need to eat more often-for example, every three to four hours “. In addition, it is important to always keep a useful snack on hand – for example, nuts, crackers or protein bars.

3. Work at an uncleaning table

The mess around makes it more often distracted and reduces attentiveness, as a result, we spend more time to complete each task, which means we are forced to concentrate longer.

How to fix it? End every day by bringing order on the desktop – for example, to your favorite music to combine pleasant with useful. If in the evenings there is no strength left for this, you can start a working day with such cleaning.

4. Excessive planning

Thanks to planning, we can be sure that we will have time, says Lippa, but excessive planning does not leave us space for maneuver and spontaneity, and we begin to live to the future, and not real. In addition, the calendar “stuffed” with meetings and deeds makes the alarm, which in turn affects memory, performance and motivation.

How to fix it? Plan the most important things and tasks (deadlines, meetings) and leave time for everything else – including for hobbies and relaxation.

5. Abundance of open tabs on a computer

This “plants” not only the laptop battery, but also our energy level. “When we endlessly switch between tabs, we have an illusion that we have time for a lot of everything,” the neurologist explains the wound of the maffi. “But in reality, we bring little to the end, and along the way we also waste energy”.

How to fix it? Try to immediately close the pages that you do not need to work right now and will not be needed in the near future. And if you are afraid to lose them, keep in bookmarks.

6. Immediate answers to calls

“Phone calls tire even the most sociable of us, because we are forced to spend energy, firstly, switching from the current task, and secondly, to catch the essence of what the interlocutor says, although we cannot even seehis facial expressions and consider the language of the body, – comments the mafa. – It is believed that at the end of the call we need about 20 minutes to focus on the task again. “.

How to fix it? Each time, before picking up the phone, ask yourself: is this call really so important? Can I afford to interrupt right now? You can also ask your colleagues and send you messages in advance before calling.

7. Halfway abandoned

Most likely, no matter how hard you try to avoid this, during the day you are interrupted every now and then, and you leave things incomplete. This is not very good for the psyche: an unfinished task continues to take our attention, and the brain is forced to focus on several matters at the same time. And the more often this happens, the more difficult it is for us to concentrate and the higher the energy consumption.

How to fix it? If possible, turn off the notification on the smartphone, especially notifications that come in social networks;Agree with loved ones and colleagues about one particular messenger where they can write or call you if the matter is truly urgent.

It is also useful to allocate a specific time for the performance of a particular task and try not to be distracted during this period. If you are still forced to interrupt, it is useful to write out key points regarding the current task, so that it is easier to return to it later.

8. Incorrect posture

“When we stoop, an additional load falls on the muscles, ligaments and joints,” says therapist Noin Safdar. – In order to compensate for the incorrect position of the spine, the body is forced to spend additional energy. “.

How to fix it? If you keep your back exactly you, take care to get an ergonomic table and office chair. Daily perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and/or regularly visit the physiotherapist.

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